New York Baby!
Well, where to was a funfilled, whirlwind of a weekend. Mom and I got to NY on friday and could not wait to see Nicholas. Linda was awesome and brought the baby with her to pick us up at the airport. I can't tell you what an incredible feeling it was to see him for the first time. I never wanted to put him down. First thing the little guy does is pass out on my chest. Hey, it is a comfy place! I could not stop taking pictures of him and so all friday we just spent catching up, watching Nick and just enjoying having the whole family there. Oh and I did get to change him, poopy diaper and all. He did however have many surprises for me like when he decided to take a whiz right as the diaper came off, and man does that kid have range! it was like a little rocket ship. He also allowed me to change him and then immediately after the new diaper was on he drop a bomb like you would not believe. I did not think little babies made that much bowel noise!
Saturday was the big day, the Baptism. Nicholas did awesome and I was so proud to be his god mother. He only cried a little when dipped (I mean drenched) in the pool and then showed off for everyone. He looked so adorable when Linda put him in his little white outfit. He looked like a little man, or like Munchkin Man, as his god father Uncle Joey likes to call him. The party was good with food and family and of course cake. Too bad Nicholas couldn't enjoy it! Well, if this wasn't a rough enough day for Jimmy and Linda, we decided to head out east a bit and hit one of their old hangouts for a little serious party time. Joe wsa taking his girlfriend out for her b-day and we decided it would be fun to go out with them. However, by the end of the day we were exhausted! We still trucked out anyway and had a great time. It is always nice when I get a chance to hang out with my brother and just enjoy each others company. And it was especially nice this time because Linda was there with us as well as my "other brother" Larry. I forgot how much fun they are!
So after a crazy evening and a late night, I was supposed to meet my best girlfriend from home Abbey for breakfast. It has been too long since we had seen each other and we wanted to spend every possible moment together. Being that it was Father's Day I wanted the rest of the day to spend with Dad. Getting up at 7 am was really difficult. Extremely difficult but I was able to get going. Man, seeing Abbey was awesome and it was like we never left each other. We can always pick up right where we left off and laugh the entire time. Man, it makes me miss her more. I am so lucky to have a friend like her. I wish that we had enough time together but alas we do not and will have to wait until I go back up for the wedding.
I am exhausted just writing about all of this....Sunday I spent with Dad and we took a drive out east and had some lunch. I forgot how beautiful Long Island is in the summer. I really wish I had more time to tool around and see it all again. Maybe next time. Well, I think that carpel tunnel is kicking in and I really should get back to work. I had a great time at home and it just makes me sad that I am so far away. I am working on getting them down evil plan is slowly working. Here are some pics for your enjoyment:
I knew it!! They totally should, that is awesome. Those dirty little kids ;-) I want all the dirt.
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