
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

People do the weirdest things!

Well, I know it has been far too long for a blog but I know I suck. We will discuss that further at another time ;-)Something happened Monday that I just have to talk about. Ever since I can recall I have been fascinated with the space program and those lucky individuals who get to ride aboard those hurtling lawn darts into oblivion. My fascination has been tainted. As some of you may have heard, early Monday morning one of NASA’s finest was arrested in Orlando airport on attempted kidnapping, burglary, and a slew of other crimes. As of today attempted murder has even been added. Astronaut , who few last July 4th for the Shuttle program’s triumphant return to flight, was taken into custody for assaulting a Patrick Air Force Base Captain by the name of Colleen Shipman. Oh and did I mention it was all over a dude!!! Yea, you know how much I cannot stand when people do stupid crap over an old flame (or recent trist), not that we all aren’t guilty of some silliness, but this is ridiculous. Mrs. Nowak, that is right I said Mrs. (with 3 kids as well) drove for 12 hours Sunday from Houston to Florida, wearing "baby diapers" to limit bathroom stops, so she could catch Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman at the Orlando International Airport and confront her about her relationship with space shuttle pilot a William Oefelein. Donning a wig, glasses and a trench coat to disguise herself, she followed Shipman from the airport terminal to a dark parking area called the Blue Lot. Nowak rushed the woman's car, tried to get inside and then attacked her with pepper spray before Shipman sped away to find help. Police said they saw Nowak try to dispose of a duffel bag containing the wig and coat, as well as a BB pistol, steel mallet, 4-inch knife, rubber tubes and plastic garbage bags, among other things. What a looney toon, right?! Even better, Nowak characterized her relationship with Oefelein as "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship.” Huh? So, you weren’t even getting any?! What were you thinking lady?!?! Ok, I cannot give enough question marks or exclamations for the confusion I feel for this situation. There is nothing in the world that would provoke me to carry out the course of actions this woman took. I mean, I thought astronauts were supposed to be psychologically sound so they don’t go bonkers up in space. How did this one slip through the cracks!? This woman has basically taken her distinguished career and her family and thrown it all away. I really wonder what people are thinking sometimes. Check out the links to the astronaut bios and Florida Today for the story.


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