
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New York Baby!

Well, where to begin....it was a funfilled, whirlwind of a weekend. Mom and I got to NY on friday and could not wait to see Nicholas. Linda was awesome and brought the baby with her to pick us up at the airport. I can't tell you what an incredible feeling it was to see him for the first time. I never wanted to put him down. First thing the little guy does is pass out on my chest. Hey, it is a comfy place! I could not stop taking pictures of him and so all friday we just spent catching up, watching Nick and just enjoying having the whole family there. Oh and I did get to change him, poopy diaper and all. He did however have many surprises for me like when he decided to take a whiz right as the diaper came off, and man does that kid have range! it was like a little rocket ship. He also allowed me to change him and then immediately after the new diaper was on he drop a bomb like you would not believe. I did not think little babies made that much bowel noise!
Saturday was the big day, the Baptism. Nicholas did awesome and I was so proud to be his god mother. He only cried a little when dipped (I mean drenched) in the pool and then showed off for everyone. He looked so adorable when Linda put him in his little white outfit. He looked like a little man, or like Munchkin Man, as his god father Uncle Joey likes to call him. The party was good with food and family and of course cake. Too bad Nicholas couldn't enjoy it! Well, if this wasn't a rough enough day for Jimmy and Linda, we decided to head out east a bit and hit one of their old hangouts for a little serious party time. Joe wsa taking his girlfriend out for her b-day and we decided it would be fun to go out with them. However, by the end of the day we were exhausted! We still trucked out anyway and had a great time. It is always nice when I get a chance to hang out with my brother and just enjoy each others company. And it was especially nice this time because Linda was there with us as well as my "other brother" Larry. I forgot how much fun they are!
So after a crazy evening and a late night, I was supposed to meet my best girlfriend from home Abbey for breakfast. It has been too long since we had seen each other and we wanted to spend every possible moment together. Being that it was Father's Day I wanted the rest of the day to spend with Dad. Getting up at 7 am was really difficult. Extremely difficult but I was able to get going. Man, seeing Abbey was awesome and it was like we never left each other. We can always pick up right where we left off and laugh the entire time. Man, it makes me miss her more. I am so lucky to have a friend like her. I wish that we had enough time together but alas we do not and will have to wait until I go back up for the wedding.
I am exhausted just writing about all of this....Sunday I spent with Dad and we took a drive out east and had some lunch. I forgot how beautiful Long Island is in the summer. I really wish I had more time to tool around and see it all again. Maybe next time. Well, I think that carpel tunnel is kicking in and I really should get back to work. I had a great time at home and it just makes me sad that I am so far away. I am working on getting them down here.....my evil plan is slowly working. Here are some pics for your enjoyment:

Delta....going up?

Just wanted to leave a quick note. There is a Delta Rocket Launch today from Cape Canaveral at aound 5:30pm. It is going to be a the U.S. military's Micro-Satellite Technology Experiment (MiTEx) spacecraft. Hopefully, we can get it off today! We are in the middle of the countdown and I really want to talk about my great weekend home in NY, about my new nephew Nicholas and show some great photos but I am right in the middle of the countdown. I might have some more time a little later so another post might follow. But as for right now here is a quick picture of Nick just to give you an idea of how he is growing. What a cutie!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Martini Skaters....'Cause That's How We Roll

Action packed week/weekend. Since Nina has left us again for 6weeks we wanted to make sure she had a great time before she left. That way she will just miss us that much more. So, last Friday, Rene' and I decided to take the day off and spend the entire day with Nina. It was a great day. We went to the beach in the morning/afternoon, and it could not have been a more perfect beach day. It was unbelievably gorgeous. The water was perfect for wading in and we actually even got Rene' to go in. Cara, another friend of ours, was able to make it out to and that poor girl is so pasty white I spotted her coming up the boardwalk a mile away;-) Then we went and had lunch out on the river at Sunset Grill. A great patio restaurant/bar right on the Banana River with ok food and even worse service. However, the ambiance is what makes it a good place.
As if that weren't enough for a day, we had to engage in some nightlife as well. I have been wanted to go to that new Red Coconut Club in City Walk and they happened to be doing a grand opening with a local radio station. SO, sounds good right? Well, the club itself was adorable, very Copa Cabana 1950's style. However, the clientele was lacking. No matter, we all tried Martini's and they were actually really good. I almost couldn't handle the first one I got but Nina's was much better. But of course, I did end up spilling part of my second one all over our new friend Nick's shoes. Classic Jenn. After a little music by the house lounge band (oh, you should have seen the drum machine guy! He was going to town!) we headed to our favorite place Pat O'Brien's Piano Bar. Normally, it would have been great but they have since changed the performers and these guys are just not cutting it. They lack the ability to really get a crowd involved. I was disappointed but we still managed to have fun despite it all.
Roll Bounce....We have been talking about going roller skating for a while and could never seen to get it going. Well, since it was one of Nina's last nights and she is a primo skater from back in the day, we had to make this happen. Sunday night was a 2 hour skating session that seemed to suit us and Nina, Rene', Cara and I set out to the Galaxy Skateway in Eau Gallie. It was only $3.50 (including shoes) so who could refuse. It was so ridiculously fun. They still play games, even though the skating music has changed a bit. I missed the old school stuff. Miraculously no one fell, albeit a few blisters were formed. Man, that is when we feel old. Here are a few pics from that night.
Nina has left me yet again but she will be checking this page so for those who read and want to leave her a comment she will be seeing them. Wish her luck and safe and happy trails. She will be back in August and hopefully home for a good long time then. We miss her already and hope she leaves a few comments of her own so everyone can know how she is...hint hint.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Another weekend passes.....and it takes me until wed. to post

Not that it is completly my fault that I couldn't post until today. The blogger has been crappy and the small amount of time I had to write on it the internet was slow. I know, I know excuses excuses. Needless to say, the 5K on Saturday was good for most of us. I definitely did not do as well as I had hoped, in fact it was almost 1:30 worse. It was so flippin humid and hot that I just could not take it. My body has seriously got something wrong with it and temperature. But alas, it was completed and now I have to come up with a new way to treat this heat stroke early. Rene' was great and found these super cool camel pack type runner's back packs that hold a small amount of water for hydration. Perfect for the distances we run. I am going to order one this weekend. I think this will help me out considerably because they I can get water when I need it. Makes me look forward to the races this summer.
It was a fun race despite the heat and Jill did great. We were all so proud of her. She did better than she has done at the gym. Also, her friend Cindy also ran with us and she did awesome. Even won an award for our age group. Now I have two speedies I need to catch up to. Unfortunatly, my hip has been really bothering me. Probably from running a lot and it is possible I run funny. Shock, I know. I am supposed to lay off it for a week but I am so motivated now to just do better that it is presenting a real issue. Laura at the gym will probably kill me. Shh, don't tell her ;-)
Some good news it that Nina is back. Albeit, only for another week and a half but we are just glad she is home. She will be leaving again for another 6 WEEKS! Can you believe it? That is just so long. I miss her when she goes on her short jobs but when she goes on these it sucks. I just want to bitch to her when I come home and she isn't there. If she really wanted to breakup she could have just written a note or something ;-) She doesn't have to go on a boat forever. But for real, she loves it (most of the time) I just wish she was given the time off she needs. Now it is our jobs to get her looped and beached before she gets back on the boat.
We also have to get all Nina's errands ran before she goes again, so basically she is spending her little time off running around town. However, yesterday her and decided we were going to do the fun errands like getting our eyebrows and what not waxed. Well, while we were in there having it done the silly little Vietnamese waxer was telling us all about how the men love no hair down there. Oh, man she was just going off about it and how we should go to her to have ours done. She talked so fast and incoherent (to me at least) that I think I heard some pretty inappropriate things in that conversation. Well, then we got on to how Nina's recent foray into the bikini waxing world was holding up. Then the lady asked if she could see it! It was more like it was posed as a question but a command truly. Very awkward. Funny though. Laughed about it the whole way home.
Anywho, that is all for now. Peace.

Friday, June 02, 2006

5K this weekend!

So, this weekend Rene', Jill and I are running a 5K. It will be Rene' and my 3 run but Jill's first and we are so proud of her. It is called the Set the Pace Classic so check it out and eventually our times will be available online. I want to beat my time from last time (which was a 9 mintue improvement!) but we shall see. Wish me luck!
These next couple of months are going to be incredibly hectic for me. I am going to NY to see my new nephew Nicholas for the first time and be his Godmother (Godmusha, as Jimmy would say) at his Christening. I cannot wait to see the little cutie! Then Jimmy and Linda will be getting married....again. I know right, but these kids cannot get enough of this marital bliss crap! This is them at their wedding in January. It is going to be a good time though. Good food and good people, and I am very excited they asked me to be a part of it. I now have to keep running my ass off so I look fabulous in the bridesmaid dress. Ah, the pressure! Shortly after Jimmy's wedding Moms and Gary will be tying the knot old school style in a backyard ceremony at my house. Crap, that means I have to clean, great. I do however, get to dress the pooches up in wedding attire. Rene' will love that, or any animal dressed up like a person. I wonder if I could get Chopper to wear a top hat. I did see some cute stuff at PetCo the other day ;-)
So needless to say I am looking forward to being busy this summer/fall and not to mention my birthday is in there somewhere and Rene' and I might take a little weekend get away to party rock star style. Any good ideas how a couple of little ladies like ourselves can get into some trouble?