
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Thursday, July 13, 2006

No longer ghetto...ok not as ghetto as before

I finally got some patio furniture. Ok, so I don't have it just yet but I placed the order. I can't wait. Maybe it won't look as white trashy with the camping chairs, assorted dogs toys and a significant layer of dirt. For those who have seen my porch it is like 500 square feet and a great party porch. But is you have no place for anyone to feel comfortable and sit and relax (beside your cheesy fold up chairs) what is the point. There are definitely more things I need to pick up like bar stools and an eating area but this new set will be a vast improvement. I am also slated to host Mom and Gary's wedding in October and i want to make this backyard wedding be as beatiful as possible. I just ahd to share my excitement and anticipation with you guys. As things progress out there I will take pics and show everyone.

Another tidbit to show is how my beautiful little nephew Nicholas is growing like crazy. Soon this kid is going to be driving his mommy and daddy nuts and wreaking havoc all over Long Island. Cannot wait because I just get to spoil him and be the cool aunt who will always back him up. Something I really can't wait for Nicky to experience is the first time he goes to Disney. I am so there for that. I can't wait to take him to all the theme parks and just enjoy it through a child's eyes. That has got to be one of the best things ever. I also can't wait to get him to the beach and help him surf his first wave. There is so much I want to show him and teach him. It kills me to be so far away because he is changing all the time. Linda has been great about sending me pictures so I don't miss too much but eveerytime I see him I just want to be able to kiss that little face. I will get to see him in another month for his Mommy and Daddy's wedding but I fear it will never be enough time spent with him. I love that kid!


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