
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don't take your eyes off your bag!!!

This weekend was definitely eventful. After Nina's quick departure on Monday I thought for sure she would not be back from her job by this weekend. Turns out she got in late Friday night. Unfotunately, she was not able to make it out to Main Street Pub with Jill, Rene' and myself but we tried to have a good time for her. We saw a bunch of ypB people there and have now invented a good bar game. Basically, due to our love of all things trivia (pop culture being the forte') we decided to quiz Grady and Dave and see how much movie knowledge they actually had. We already know that Grady sucks but we could not let him feel left out. Turns out the "Movie Line Trivia Game" was born. Everyone really had a great time trying to stump each other and good memories were remembered. The things some people think of. Basically, the game consists of you delievering lines from movies and trying to get everyone to guess. Inventive right? But of course you cannot pick the most obvious lines like "Show me the money!" People would get that right away so it makes you think...a little ;-) Very fun and highly recommended.
Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning and relaxing. We were going to the see the new M. Night Shamalama-ding-dong movie Lady in the Water but got side tracked and instead went to the Warehouse for Cara's B-day and enjoyed a little billiards and beer. We were having a great time, sucking at pool and taking pictures. We decided to quit making fools out of ourselves and head up to the bar and just talk. We spent the rest of the night there and failed to not make fools of ourselves. It was a great night until......Nina's purse got stolen! Can you believe that?!?!? Right out from under us some dirtballs had the nerve to dump out the rest of the contents of her bag and just take the bag and wallet! Well, joke is on them because the little bastards only got $5 and a credit card with her picture on it. It did have all her work certification stuff too which sucks but her work has everythign on file so she won't get screwed by that. Who does stuff like that? I mean, taking the time to dump eveything out (like her phone and reciepts, hair clip, jump drive) and still take the bag. Lucky for us Nina is a smart girl and was wearing her keys on her belt loop so they couldn't get to her car.
People really have problems. Everything can be replaced but that doesn't change the fact that it is a crappy thing to do and really put a damper on the evening. Oh, they also got her ID too but lucky for her it doesn't have her current address on it and she still has a passport should she need to leave for work ASAP. It is just a big pain to get everything replaced and what not. It really makes you think though because all of our bags were in the same place and these guys just happened to go for hers. It wasn't like we ever left them alone. They were all placed by our feets.
Rene' is pretty sure it was these two jack offs who came up and tried to talk to her. She was sitting on the end (where Nina's bag was) and they were really adament about engaging her in conversation and she was having no part of it. It seemed like one guy was doing the distracting while the other kicked over the bag and got the goods. The moral of this lesson ladies (and some gents, I guess) is to watch your bags at all times because even if you think it is in a safe spot right by you, well we just proved you are wrong ;-)
We did end up getting to see M. Night's new movie on Sunday and despite all the crappy reviews I heard, I really enjoyed it. He is a master of mind games and this one definitely got you thinking on one path but led you back to another. I like the fact that it was something based on a children's story and then brought to real life. We never get to believe in make-believe anymore and what better ways than movies to escape. I recommend it if you liked all his other films. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!


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