
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Monday, July 31, 2006

Furniture, platforms and trim limbs.

Well, as far as eventful weekends go I think this weekend beats last one. Not as much party fun socially (though there was enough to go around) but more along the lines of getting the home in order. It started with Friday. I actually took Friday off after last Thursdays YpB event. It was a really good time considering the crappy venue (Pizza Uno). It was just too small for all the people that come now. But I did meet some new faces and had a great time with the old. We hit Dog n' Bone afterward and drank a lot, danced a little and didn't care because I was taking Friday off! If you have read Rene's blog then you know she was pretty pissed that she decided to go into work today. But to ease her mind I was up early and productive as all get out.

You know, it is about time I just went to town on my yard and start making it look at least halfway presentable. Nina was motivated, as was I, so we decided we were going to tackle the giant tree and the front yard. We hit Lowe's and finally got all the additional yard tools we needed, like an edger and weed wacker. Nina showed that tree who was boss and took off as many limbs as she could reach. The tree didn't even know what hit it and it made such a vast improvement on the look. Now that we had got going we didn't want to stop and all the new toys were calling our names. Needless to say the yard got edged, dug up and wacked. The best tool we purchased was the $8 shovel that nina is quite handy with now. It litterally took us all day to do that front yard but it was worth it. I definitely get a sense of accomplishment when I finish yard work and it makes it look nice. It is a sick obsession.

After a hard day like that I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to function going out that night. Thankfully, Rene' sugggested Clerks 2 for a little movie action and some coffee. What a fabulous idea because not only were Nina and I exhausted but what a friggin' funny ass movie. There was this kid who played Elias, who made the movie! I mean we could not stop laughing so hard. He played this bible loving, 19-year old, virgin, Lord of the Rings loving, geek whose AOL handle was Optimus Prime. One of the best scenes was a conversation between Elias and Randall where Elias is trying to tell Randall how cool the new live action Transformers movie will be. I can't even describe it as funny as it was. As I sit here writing this I am giggling to myself. Too funny. He also busts out the "one ring, to rule them all" nonsense from Lord of the Rings throughout the movie. He holds up an onion ring to Randall and recites that most famous line so well. Giggle giggle. I cannot stop myself. Anywho, highly recommended! 4 out of 5 dentist approve.

Saturday was more yard work and finally putting together that new lawn furniture that arrived on Friday. It was sitting on the porch taunting me all Friday but I couldn't put it together until I finished my first job. Finger pointing, finger pointing, Tsk, tsk. We put it together in the house, and by the way, kudos to Walmart for producing such easy to put together furniture (1/2 hour tops) that is sturdy and looks great. Love it! Nina hosed the porch off and I put down bug stuff on the lawns. This day would not have been complete without another trip to Lowe's. Speaking of I found the best blinds for the porch at Lowe's for $11. They are 96" bamboo looking shades that look great on the porch. Make it look more like a room. However, we didn't hang them until Sunday when Mom and Gary came by to help cut the big tree some more (now that after a 3rd Lowe's trip yeilded me a laddrer).

Man, at this point I am exhausted just writing about this. Saturday night it was time to do it up in style. Dog n' Bone was having a 70's party so we thought, hmm, an opportunity to dress up, we are so there. Jill and Rene' looked very authentic, as they should because Jill just happened to have snagged some old 70's attire from her mom. They looked great in there polyester dresses and feathered hair. Nina and I did our best to do with what we had but I am not sure how well that really was. It was really a great time but I wish more people had dressed up. And I wish the DJ had played more songs we knew. There were some great costumes and some scary ones but, hey, you get that at the DnB anyway :-)

I am getting sleepy now and think I covered most of the good highlights. I am sure I am forgetting somethings but what can you do. I will have pictures as soon as I get them all on here. Stupid thing won't let me post! Ah!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don't take your eyes off your bag!!!

This weekend was definitely eventful. After Nina's quick departure on Monday I thought for sure she would not be back from her job by this weekend. Turns out she got in late Friday night. Unfotunately, she was not able to make it out to Main Street Pub with Jill, Rene' and myself but we tried to have a good time for her. We saw a bunch of ypB people there and have now invented a good bar game. Basically, due to our love of all things trivia (pop culture being the forte') we decided to quiz Grady and Dave and see how much movie knowledge they actually had. We already know that Grady sucks but we could not let him feel left out. Turns out the "Movie Line Trivia Game" was born. Everyone really had a great time trying to stump each other and good memories were remembered. The things some people think of. Basically, the game consists of you delievering lines from movies and trying to get everyone to guess. Inventive right? But of course you cannot pick the most obvious lines like "Show me the money!" People would get that right away so it makes you think...a little ;-) Very fun and highly recommended.
Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning and relaxing. We were going to the see the new M. Night Shamalama-ding-dong movie Lady in the Water but got side tracked and instead went to the Warehouse for Cara's B-day and enjoyed a little billiards and beer. We were having a great time, sucking at pool and taking pictures. We decided to quit making fools out of ourselves and head up to the bar and just talk. We spent the rest of the night there and failed to not make fools of ourselves. It was a great night until......Nina's purse got stolen! Can you believe that?!?!? Right out from under us some dirtballs had the nerve to dump out the rest of the contents of her bag and just take the bag and wallet! Well, joke is on them because the little bastards only got $5 and a credit card with her picture on it. It did have all her work certification stuff too which sucks but her work has everythign on file so she won't get screwed by that. Who does stuff like that? I mean, taking the time to dump eveything out (like her phone and reciepts, hair clip, jump drive) and still take the bag. Lucky for us Nina is a smart girl and was wearing her keys on her belt loop so they couldn't get to her car.
People really have problems. Everything can be replaced but that doesn't change the fact that it is a crappy thing to do and really put a damper on the evening. Oh, they also got her ID too but lucky for her it doesn't have her current address on it and she still has a passport should she need to leave for work ASAP. It is just a big pain to get everything replaced and what not. It really makes you think though because all of our bags were in the same place and these guys just happened to go for hers. It wasn't like we ever left them alone. They were all placed by our feets.
Rene' is pretty sure it was these two jack offs who came up and tried to talk to her. She was sitting on the end (where Nina's bag was) and they were really adament about engaging her in conversation and she was having no part of it. It seemed like one guy was doing the distracting while the other kicked over the bag and got the goods. The moral of this lesson ladies (and some gents, I guess) is to watch your bags at all times because even if you think it is in a safe spot right by you, well we just proved you are wrong ;-)
We did end up getting to see M. Night's new movie on Sunday and despite all the crappy reviews I heard, I really enjoyed it. He is a master of mind games and this one definitely got you thinking on one path but led you back to another. I like the fact that it was something based on a children's story and then brought to real life. We never get to believe in make-believe anymore and what better ways than movies to escape. I recommend it if you liked all his other films. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

Monday, July 17, 2006

And we have touchdown!

Discovery is back on earth as of 9:14 am today. It is a good thing too because there had better have been a good reason for me to have gotten up at 4 "friggin" o'clock this morning! I am exhausted! I really did not think it was going to land today. It was overcast even at 4 am and the day did not seem to be improving. In fact, when they called "go" for the deorbit burn (about an hour before landing) I was shocked. Once they do that burn there is no where to go but down. They don't have enough fuel to achieve orbit again. Do or Die kids!
Anywho, I worked Near Real Time Console for this launch so all my commitments were completed 20 minutes before landing. So, my friend and coworker Mike decided to sneak out to the viewing deck on top of the ROCC and check out the landing. Well, we get up there and it is so flippin cloudy out I wonder how the heck the astronauts are even going to be able to see the runway. We heard the sonic booms 7 minutes or so before we ever got a glimpse and it was a short glimpse at that. We could barely see it round the runway but we did get to see it. I think the sonic booms are the coolest part anyway. So, the orbiter lands and not 5 mintues later down pour. I kid you not, it started raining almost immediately after the landing! That is messed up because we are not supposed to land with precipitation with 35 miles of the shuttle landing facility! But like I said once they do that burn it is showtime and they are coming home whether we like it or not. All in all it was an exciting landing and I am very glad I don't have to do this tomorrow!
Just a little added thing, this is a photo of the hurricane currently in the Pacific as photographed by the Discovery astronauts. I love the pictures of weather taken from space. They really show us how big these storms can get.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

No longer ghetto...ok not as ghetto as before

I finally got some patio furniture. Ok, so I don't have it just yet but I placed the order. I can't wait. Maybe it won't look as white trashy with the camping chairs, assorted dogs toys and a significant layer of dirt. For those who have seen my porch it is like 500 square feet and a great party porch. But is you have no place for anyone to feel comfortable and sit and relax (beside your cheesy fold up chairs) what is the point. There are definitely more things I need to pick up like bar stools and an eating area but this new set will be a vast improvement. I am also slated to host Mom and Gary's wedding in October and i want to make this backyard wedding be as beatiful as possible. I just ahd to share my excitement and anticipation with you guys. As things progress out there I will take pics and show everyone.

Another tidbit to show is how my beautiful little nephew Nicholas is growing like crazy. Soon this kid is going to be driving his mommy and daddy nuts and wreaking havoc all over Long Island. Cannot wait because I just get to spoil him and be the cool aunt who will always back him up. Something I really can't wait for Nicky to experience is the first time he goes to Disney. I am so there for that. I can't wait to take him to all the theme parks and just enjoy it through a child's eyes. That has got to be one of the best things ever. I also can't wait to get him to the beach and help him surf his first wave. There is so much I want to show him and teach him. It kills me to be so far away because he is changing all the time. Linda has been great about sending me pictures so I don't miss too much but eveerytime I see him I just want to be able to kiss that little face. I will get to see him in another month for his Mommy and Daddy's wedding but I fear it will never be enough time spent with him. I love that kid!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Great Photos

Just thought I would post a bunch of good photos taken by the press and people of the area on the launch day. They are pics from Cocoa Beach, the Space Center and other areas of the Space Coast. You can see by the cars and filled beaches just how many people came out to support the launch (oh and clogged my drive home!).

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th.....up, up and away

Lift-off!!!! Space Shuttle Discovery is on its way to the International Space Station with 7 astronauts in tow and a new piece to attach to the station. What a beautiful launch and very patriotic, I might add, since it is the 4th of July. There were something like 300,000 people out to watch the launch, so needless to say I am still at work. Not only to finish up post launch requirements but there is no way I am braving that traffic. All in all it was a good launch and I am very glad we finally got it off. Yea, Shuttle! I hope everyone gets to enjoy some fireworks or 4th festivities. Looks like we got one of the better fireworks shows out here in Cape Canaveral! Click on the picture of all the people at the beach watching and you can see the shuttle lifting off in the background.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


So, I am sitting here at work on a Sunday....yes, a Sunday, and it is the second attempt for the Space Shuttle Discovery STS-121 to liftoff from Kennedy Space Center. Normally, I would be pumped but as I sit here I can hear the rain pounding on the roof of the Range Operations Control Center as well as thunder shaking the tiles on the ceiling. Good sign right? Very disheartening! It sucks, because we did scrub yesterday, which is always disappointing but, then i had to sit in about an hour and a half of traffic, a direst result of all the looney toons here to see a launch. Now I will have to do it all again so it seems. Man, I know space travel is unpredictable but come on, there goes my entire weekend! Now, there is talk of launching on the 4th of July, which in itself sounds very cool and patriotic but, again I will lose out on a very cool holiday I enjoy a lot. But the whole point is to get this shuttle up safe and successful. So I will do my job and like it! Take that!
To all my friends in Houston (Prox Ops Jess), do good and we will all continue to have jobs. We will try and do the same here in FL. For anyone who would like to check out up to the minute status of the launch you can check Spaceflight Now. Fingers crossed all around for a good launch or at least a quick scrub. Hopefully, they will scrub this early enough to get home at a decent hour and try and enjoy what is left of my weekend.