Furniture, platforms and trim limbs.
Well, as far as eventful weekends go I think this weekend beats last one. Not as much party fun socially (though there was enough to go around) but more along the lines of getting the home in order. It started with Friday. I actually took Friday off after last Thursdays YpB event. It was a really good time considering the crappy venue (Pizza Uno). It was just too small for all the people that come now. But I did meet some new faces and had a great time with the old. We hit Dog n' Bone afterward and drank a lot, danced a little and didn't care because I was taking Friday off! If you have read Rene's blog then you know she was pretty pissed that she decided to go into work today. But to ease her mind I was up early and productive as all get out.
You know, it is about time I just went to town on my yard and start making it look at least halfway presentable. Nina was motivated, as was I, so we decided we were going to tackle the giant tree and the front yard. We hit Lowe's and finally got all the additional yard tools we needed, like an edger and weed wacker. Nina showed that tree who was boss and took off as many limbs as she could reach. The tree didn't even know what hit it and it made such a vast improvement on the look. Now that we had got going we didn't want to stop and all the new toys were calling our names. Needless to say the yard got edged, dug up and wacked. The best tool we purchased was the $8 shovel that nina is quite handy with now. It litterally took us all day to do that front yard but it was worth it. I definitely get a sense of accomplishment when I finish yard work and it makes it look nice. It is a sick obsession.
After a hard day like that I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to function going out that night. Thankfully, Rene' sugggested Clerks 2 for a little movie action and some coffee. What a fabulous idea because not only were Nina and I exhausted but what a friggin' funny ass movie. There was this kid who played Elias, who made the movie! I mean we could not stop laughing so hard. He played this bible loving, 19-year old, virgin, Lord of the Rings loving, geek whose AOL handle was Optimus Prime. One of the best scenes was a conversation between Elias and Randall where Elias is trying to tell Randall how cool the new live action Transformers movie will be. I can't even describe it as funny as it was. As I sit here writing this I am giggling to myself. Too funny. He also busts out the "one ring, to rule them all" nonsense from Lord of the Rings throughout the movie. He holds up an onion ring to Randall and recites that most famous line so well. Giggle giggle. I cannot stop myself. Anywho, highly recommended! 4 out of 5 dentist approve.
Saturday was more yard work and finally putting together that new lawn furniture that arrived on Friday. It was sitting on the porch taunting me all Friday but I couldn't put it together until I finished my first job. Finger pointing, finger pointing, Tsk, tsk. We put it together in the house, and by the way, kudos to Walmart for producing such easy to put together furniture (1/2 hour tops) that is sturdy and looks great. Love it! Nina hosed the porch off and I put down bug stuff on the lawns. This day would not have been complete without another trip to Lowe's. Speaking of I found the best blinds for the porch at Lowe's for $11. They are 96" bamboo looking shades that look great on the porch. Make it look more like a room. However, we didn't hang them until Sunday when Mom and Gary came by to help cut the big tree some more (now that after a 3rd Lowe's trip yeilded me a laddrer).
Man, at this point I am exhausted just writing about this. Saturday night it was time to do it up in style. Dog n' Bone was having a 70's party so we thought, hmm, an opportunity to dress up, we are so there. Jill and Rene' looked very authentic, as they should because Jill just happened to have snagged some old 70's attire from her mom. They looked great in there polyester dresses and feathered hair. Nina and I did our best to do with what we had but I am not sure how well that really was. It was really a great time but I wish more people had dressed up. And I wish the DJ had played more songs we knew. There were some great costumes and some scary ones but, hey, you get that at the DnB anyway :-)
I am getting sleepy now and think I covered most of the good highlights. I am sure I am forgetting somethings but what can you do. I will have pictures as soon as I get them all on here. Stupid thing won't let me post! Ah!
There you go!
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