
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Monday, September 11, 2006

Finally...a time to update!

Where to begin....ok how about we start where we left off. It turns out that all the hype and worry behind Ernesto was for nothing. We were able to catch our flight to NY on time and the shuttle never moved back into the VAB for protction. In fact when I spoke to Nina about how the weather was she said a little down pour and that was it! I think we got worse up on Long Island when the remanents of Ernesto decided to visit the Big Apple. Man, people down here freak out so much when it comes to this stuff.
Anywho, Ny was awesome and the wedding was incredible. Jimmy picked us up from the airport with Nicholas in tow. I wasn't sure he was going to bring him but man, when I saw that kid all smiles in the car it just melted my heart. He is so friggin cute it kills me. So off to the house we go. All of us tried to nap but man, Nicky was having no part of that. Especially with all the new people around to check out. I was so happy though. I was able to get him to fall asleep and in fact he even fell asleep on me and we napped together. Too cute! I think that was the last downtime we really had and I don't think I knew how busy that weekend was going to be. Thursday was the rehersal dinner with excellent food and wine and lots of laughs. Nicholas even slept through the whole thing. I was definitely regretting the fact that the wine was that good because Linda and I had to get going early in the morning to get our hair done for the wedding but surprisingly enough I was feeling great. I got some great shots at the rehersal dinner and of the hair salon but of course I am a slacker and haven't put my pics on yet.
The wedding itself was incredible! The church was short and sweet and they were both so nervous about it and did great (and looked great too). On to the reception and all the chaos that insued. Just an awesome party with incredible food, too much liquor and great people. We danced all night and laughed alot. It was just so much fun. Once I get the other pics developed I will go into more detail.
Once back in FL, it was back to work and back to long days and messed up hours. Needless to say the shuttle did not launch while I was in NY and they saved it for me when I got back. After several mornings of 3 am call time and 10-12 hour days, numerous mechanical problems and a small brush with nasty weather, the shuttle finally went on saturday to much fanfare. Mostly coming from me! Now things may start to calm down again but I am not holding my breath. My car is being a pain and I have to start getting the house really ready for Mom's wedding. Oh so much to do and so little time. I am just tired writing this. I need a nap.


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