
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -Plato

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Run Forrest....then drink some beer!

Finally another 5K! It has been a while since I got to run one. It scares me a bit that it is so hot but this seemed like a fun run even though it was in Orlando. Friday night JIll, Rene' and myself decided to stay in because we had to be at the race early (we left at 5:45 am!). We did do a little carb loading at Olive Garden though ;-) So unnecessary but tasty! Anywho, the race wasn't quite the armpit that Rene' experienced at the last Orlando race she ran but it was hot none the less. We all did not do as best as we could but I guess it could always have been worse. Jill was the only one who I think was at least semi-consistent at her run even though it wasn't her best time. Rene' has injured feet from her sneakers and it has just gotten worse. She is going to get new ones very soon because it is really taking a toll on her. Blisters can be debilitating! We had a great time but were disappointed by the shirt they gave away at the race. They had promised a technical shirt (you know, the ones that draw the sweat away from you) and Rene' and I got great ones at the Run for the Gecko race so we thought it would be similar. No so much; it looks like a regular T-shirt! Piss me off. That was one of the reasons we came to do a run in Orlando. Ah, what are you going to do? It was a good run and the more I seem to do these the more motivated I am to do better at the next one. I think we will be signing up for a few more before the end of the year. There is even a Christmas time run where they engcourage you to wear costumes and jingle bells on your shoes. Not that I will necessary Santa out but it will be fun to make fun of the other people. We also have the Run for Pizza run which is just that, running for pizza at the end of the race. I think these runner people have the right idea.
Saturday after the run I promptly went home to pass out but to no avail. I was so tired on the way home I thought for sure I would sleep but of course, just the oppostie happened. I instead decided to do laundry and the floors. Man, I have problems. Anywho, we were invited to a friend of ours Larry's party that night. Larry used to be my neighbor back in Viera and has always been a fun guy who threw good parties. Now, he does name the party after himself (Larrypalooza) and encourages people to buy T-shirts and underwear with said name on them but who can refuse a good party. Rene' had invited some additional people from Young Professionals (the people we mostly hang out with) because the invite had said bring friends. Well, I guess no one told Larry's bitch of a girlfriend Deb that all were welcome. She could not have been more rude. Not only did she yell at Rene' for being so imposing but she went out of her way to make people feel uncomfortable. Nice hostess right?! Larry had already said it was very cool that all these YP people were there and even seemed excited to meet some new people. Who doesn't want to meet new people and add more fun and diversity to their party? Apparently Deb. It is not like the people who we invited were crazy party people who trash the place and show disrespect. They even offered to contribute money for the beer and what not if they needed it. I could see her getting pissed about that but she wouldn't even take the money because (we're not those kind of people." Right but you are the raging lunatic type. SHe really was too much. I have wasted enough time taking about her. Well, we tried to make the best of a rotten situation and managed to have a good time. I thought high school was over man!


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